
Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc: 3 Essential Minerals Your Body Needs
Calcium, magnesium and zinc are three essential minerals that your body needs for optimal bone, nerve, brain, muscle and cellular health. Although eating a balanced diet is the best way to get these nutrients, certain conditions may make it necessary to take a supplement.
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Science proves 'kids these days' are fine—it's the adults who tend to be oblivious a-holes.
The "kids these days" trope has been around forever. We have documentation for centuries of aging generations complaining that the young people are simply the worst. They have no respect. They've lost all sense of discipline. They're impetuous and impulsive, self-absorbed and self-indulgent. Millennials, millennials, blah blah blah.
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7 secrets to raising awesome, functional teenagers.
Teenagers are incredible. They are funny, smart, eager to please, and up for just about anything as long as food is involved. They have the most generous hearts and want desperately to be loved and validated. They are quirky and messy and have the best sense of humor.
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A mom describes her tween son's brain. It's a must-read for all parents.
It started with a simple, sincere question from a mother of an 11-year-old boy.
An anonymous mother posted a question to Quora, a website where people can ask questions and other people can answer them.
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The choice to use a dietary supplement can be a wise decision that provides health benefits. However, under certain circumstances, these products may be unnecessary for good health or they may even create unexpected risks.

Over 95% of the toothpaste sold in the U.S. now contains fluoride, with many grocery stores carrying few if any non-fluoridated brands. The use of fluoride toothpaste, particularly during early childhood, presents health risks. This is why the FDA requires a poison warning on every tube of fluoride toothpaste now sold in the US.
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Of the four parental 'feeding styles,' only one is good for kids' health, experts say
If you're a parent, you are well aware that managing your kids' activity schedules, homework, doctor's appointments, play dates and much more all comes with the territory. But an important part of the parenting job description -- and one that may be hidden in a cloud of unconscious thought at times -- is being the gatekeeper of your child's diet.

Food Additives and Child Health
Today, more than 10 000 chemicals are allowed to be added to food and food contact materials in the United States, either directly or indirectly, under the 1958 Food Additives Amendment to the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) (public law number 85-929).
7 Reasons Why You Need Magnesium
There are some nutrients that can be hard to find naturally in the food you eat, one of them is magnesium. You can find magnesium in foods like:
How to Make Tooth Brushing Fun For Toddlers
IThere are certain things that are especially difficult or tricky when it comes to parenting, such as potty training, vegetables, and brushing your kid’s teeth. Even though baby teeth will fall out by the time children are around six or seven years old, it is incredibly important to help them build a habit of brushing and taking care of their teeth early on in their life.
All You Want to Know About Gripe Water
It’s no surprise to anyone that new babies cry — sometimes a lot. Whether it’s a dirty diaper, they’re hungry, scared or alarmed, they just woke up, a new tooth is coming in, or any number of reasons, what parents want to know is the best way to calm them down. Sometimes a fresh diaper or a feeding does the trick, but many infants don’t get the relief they need from a new diaper, and sometimes it’s the feeding itself that is causing the crying.
Cell Phones and Cancer Risk Fact Sheet - National Cancer Institute
In 2011, the International Agency for Research on CancerExit Disclaimer (IARC), a component of the World Health Organization, appointed an expert Working Group to review all available evidence on the use of cell phones. The Working Group classified cell phone use as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on limited evidence from human studies, limited evidence from studies of radiofrequency radiation and cancer in rodents, and inconsistent evidence from mechanistic studies.